Thassos Ferry Schedules
Traveling to Thassos is very easy because Thassos has numerous daily ferry crossings from the mainland to Limenas or Skala Prinos. There are two locations where you can board a ferry, the port of Kavala and the port of Keramoti.
From Kavala to Skala Prinos

Traveling to Thassos from Kavala is one option if you would like to spend the day in Kavala. Kavala is among the largest cities in northern Greece after Thessaloniki and is the closest city you can reach if you would like to explore areas off the island. The ferry route from Kavala to Thassos is quite long compared to the Keramoti route. You can expect the travel time to be around 75 minutes. Keep in mind that there are siginficantly fewer ferry crossings on this route.
From Keramoti to Limenas

Catching the ferry from Keramoti is your best option as the ferry crossings are more frequent, cheaper, and shorter in length. The duration of the journey is approximately 35 minutes. Most people arrive on Thassos via this connection because it is the fastest and most convenient. Keramoti is a small port village which has a few hotels, restaurants, and shops should you need anything while waiting for the ferry.